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Vanilla Almond Dream Cappuccino

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  • Total Time: 5 Minutes
  • Yield: 1 1x



2 ounces (1/4 cup) freshly brewed espresso

1 teaspoon light brown sugar or sweetener of choice

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

pinch of fresh ground nutmeg (about 1/16th teaspoon)

1/2 cup Marcel’s Almond Milk – Sweetened Vanilla


Combine the espresso, brown sugar, vanilla, and nutmeg in a large mug. Stir until the brown sugar is dissolved.

Heat the Marcel’s Almond Milk – Sweetened Vanilla in a small pot on the stove until it begins to steam. For plant-based milk, heat to 150 °F (65 °C). Then froth the milk until it has a thick foam layer and has doubled in size.

Pour the steamed milk and foam over the espresso and enjoy. Garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg if desired.